We are pleased to announce our new Stories on the Go Storytelling Champion:

Helping us bring literature to public spaces up and down the country!
These are our PAST and PRESENT funders and supporting organisations.
Funding organisation
They made it all happen from day one!
Rāta Foundation
Christchurch City Council
Christchurch International Airport
Design, printing and technology
Doing beautiful and user-friendly stuff for us
Publica Special partner since 2018
CQ Print
Concept of the Good They designed our beautiful map cover
Digital Wings They donated the laptops we used to do our work
Accounting and legal partners
What can we say? Chris and Diana are just amazing. They help us navigate numbers with ease. Truly amazing and generous partners. Special thanks to Steven Moe too at Parry Fields Lawyers, The Commuting Book’s guardian angel!
MBP Advisors + Accountants Special partner since 2018
Parry Field Lawyers
Networking and promotion
Ministry of Awesome was the seed for this dream, their encouragement and support were essential. WORD Christchurch was a natural partner and UBS is the unconditional friend that is always there to say “you go!”. You can find out lovely coffee mugs at the shop (fundraising initiative)
WORD Christchurch Special partners since 2018
University Bookshop Canterbury
Ministry of Awesome
STORIES ON THE GO Christchurch pilot project partners
Red Bus Christchurch We are forever grateful to them for believing in us and becoming pioneers
The School for Young Writers Special partner since 2018
WORD Christchurch
STORIES ON THE GO “Support Local Business” initiative
With COVID at our door and activities suspended, including ours, we decided to quickly respond to the new circumstances and offered businesses around the city the chance to offer their customers a short story while they wait for their order or appointment.
Sweet Soul ~ Child Sister ~Belle ~ Cafe Stir ~ Rollickin Gelato ~ The Dirty Apron ~ Foundation Cafe ~ Park Ranger ~ Cafe Metro ~ Vivo Hair Salons ~ Bunsen ~ Cathedral Dental Centre ~ Nspyre Red ~ Performance Physio ~ Everyday Dose Cafe ~ TerraViva Cafe & Deli ~ Tait Cafe
Special projects partners
Paint n’ Pen was a beautiful project run between 2019 and 2020. And The George is offering their guests to access short stories from the comfort of their rooms.
Christchurch City Libraries
Watch This Space
Plain Sight Evans and Taylor
CCC Graffity Programme and Chorus
The George Hotel
How to support us
The Commuting Book is a community-based organisation that aims to promote an appreciation and love of reading as a source of knowledge and entertainment by bringing literature to public spaces and in people’s daily activities.
If you like what we do, please make a donation and help us to keep going, and do more and better!