The first flight from Australia to New Zealand took 14 hours and 25 minutes and landed here in Wigram on 10 September 1928. You can watch as Charles Kingsford Smith and crew land the plane and see how Wigram looked 100 years ago.
WATCH: First Trans-Tasman flight: Kingsford Smith lands at Wigram in the ‘Southern Cross’, 1928.
Crowd welcoming the aeroplane Southern Cross, Wigram. Click on the image to read more about this photo and the archive.

Everywhere you go in Ōtautahi/Christchurch, stories are waiting to be shared. People, places and events are the colour and texture, the memory and history that bring life to the place where we stand.
These snippets of history shape our city’s past, present and future.
Don’t miss the opportunity to explore the links to sources and archives we provide. They are full of treasures.

SUPPORTERS: Intangible Heritage Fund CCC – Rāta Foundation – Box112

POSTER DESIGN: Kōwhai Creative