No excuses presentation Dave Letele’s incredible life has taken him from footy to failure, crime to community, fat to fit and riches to rags & ...More
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No excuses presentation Dave Letele’s incredible life has taken him from footy to failure, crime to community, fat to fit and riches to rags & ...More
He kohinga whakaaro, he kohinga wheako hoki mō te waiata me te haka nā tētahi tokānuku kua aua atu e tū ana i taua ao. Ko Tā Tīmoti Kāretu tētahi o ...More
It was a pretty chill place to live for the first two thirds of the year. It was a place of freedom and acceptance, a place of thinking, talking, cups of tea a ...More
The murmur of voices Are symphony to flashing lights Tapping keys Coloured lines of code Changing Adjusting Advancing. Jumbles of letters Make up wo ...More
Flowers. There are a lot of flowers. Every day someone crouches by me, one hand on their heart and the other holding a bunch of flowers. Lilies, lilacs, ...More
An Indigenous Ocean Pacific by Damon Salesa ~ 2024 Ockham New Zealand Book Awards An Indigenous Ocean: Pacific Essays Damon Salesa The Pacifi c’s ...More
I was looking forward to 2011. I hadn’t been finding 2010 to be a very settled year. On one level I put the unsettled feeling down to it being the ...More
Six centuries ago Polynesian explorers, who inhabited a cosmos in which islands sailed across the sea and stars across the sky, arrived in ...More
Trailing my clackity clack bumblebee Golly in the other hand, I follow the tall back of my Dad down the garden path. Full of questions, I shadow him into ...More
Tim Saunders writes about his life and work on the farm that’s been in his family for five generations. He encompasses drought, farming during lo ...More
I had a sinking feeling in my stomach that January when I arrived in Dunedin. I stood in front of the dirty shallow porch of my flat and it wasn’t quite as ...More
When someone tells you to picture a magician, what do you think of? Daniel Radcliffe, complete with a wand and broomstick? Or perhaps a cheesy performer wi ...More
Being the middle child of five girls and three boys in 1940’s and 50’s in my native Ireland, I never had the chance to actually own a bicycl ...More
A landmark anthology of creative work – poetry, fiction and essays – by emerging Asian New Zealand writers. This landmark collection of poetry, fi ...More
My life is divided into two revolving states. During one, I eat healthily, run almost every day and don’t drink. I call this ‘Zen’. The other stat ...More
There’s a Cure for This: A Memoir By Emma Espiner ~ The striking debut memoir from award-winning doctor and writer, Emma Espiner. “I do ...More
Fungi of Aotearoa A Curious Forager’s Field Guide By Liv Sisson ~ “Of course, fungi foraging is not a new practice. Māori culinary tradition ...More
This is a story of doubt. It is a story of people who left little trace. . . . There are no writings to pore over; no monuments to gaze at; no p ...More
Google maps you take me though the underpass fast on my bike in the night my lights flash on the shapes of down and outs the louts, layabouts who shout obscenit ...More