Grayce huddled in the dark of her bedroom. The slithering sound came again, something scraping, knocking. Scrape-knock-knock-slide-slither. Som ...More
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Grayce huddled in the dark of her bedroom. The slithering sound came again, something scraping, knocking. Scrape-knock-knock-slide-slither. Som ...More
Slip while walking onto cold, slippery tiles into the bathroom for the twentieth time. Land on your right arm break it like a twig. Or, forget to p ...More
Despite the Lockdown the tides continue to tumble and dance against the land’s surfaces each trying to reach their destination. Each grit of sa ...More
When a baby is born, it’s the happiest day of your life You are handed a bundle of perfection, You make a promise to be the baby’s protector to ...More
The strap pinches my neck. My fingers poise above the keys. Moonlight highlights the skeletal frame of my alto saxophone. I stretch my eyes out into ...More
don’t you find this world absolutely hilarious? one second, the globe is turning and earth’s on the brink of extinction: the next the world is stil ...More
Take some Milky Way dust Mix in some galaxies Wrench some light from inside a black hole It should be spaghettified and tender Knead in some rusty ...More
Kiss frogs. Sleep for 100 years. Turn into a human and not speaking. Sneak out late at night. Change your mum into a bear and back again. Lose your shoes. Fall ...More
I remember the clock He liked to count down Whether we liked it or not, Whether we smiled or frowned He hung in my house On the nursery wall We saw him as big ...More
The sun is lazily rising from the horizon as the harakeke steps in time with the wind. It’s almost as though they are dancing to a song, only the ...More
The murmur of voices Are symphony to flashing lights Tapping keys Coloured lines of code Changing Adjusting Advancing. Jumbles of letters Make up w ...More
To send a letter you must have something important to say. Got it? Good, now write it on a piece of paper, then pop it in an envelope and seal it with you ...More
Photos are a very powerful thing. Memories caught in time and plastered forever, or maybe not, onto my pages. Every inch of my skin is tattooed with in ...More
I miss you, Life Outside the Gate. My gate isn’t very high, but now it feels like the top is touching the clouds. Whenever I think about before eve ...More
I am a kākāpō. I live in Whenua Hou (Codfish Island). I BOOM rimu berries. They are delicious. I TWEET mosses and ferns. They are padded. I HOO ...More
Zzzzz ….. zzzz ……. An annoying noise was causing hindrance to my much desired afternoon nap. I somehow manage to open my eyes partially, and with half-clo ...More
Dear Earth, Before we go, we’d just like to say a few things. When we first arrived, we were born into a world that (so it seemed) you had adapted solely ...More
My monster is quite unique With a certain frame of mind He specialises in fear, you know The very best of his kind Although he creaks the floorboa ...More
I am lost in countless dizzying turns and endless corridors. A bare light bulb flickers as I pass beneath it. I flinch involuntarily. Ping! The familiar weig ...More
Feijoas roll down the roof to be pecked by the birds startling the rats which scurry above. A grimy workbench dusty with tools next to a soggy, wet le ...More
I shuffle forward, cautious of not popping the two-metre bubble that surrounds every person around me. I look behind and see people lost and confused. Some are ...More
Meet her in the forest You’ll find her fascinating She may not welcome you but she has no choice in this The tree which she is forever linked to creaks ...More
Polly lounges in her usual spot at McDonalds, fourth table from the right. She studies the colour of the wall behind her. Red, her favourite colour. T ...More
I was two years old when I got my first bike It was better than your little trike We found it in the bushes My dad fixed it up for me He welded it back tog ...More
Oh bicycle, Oh bicycle, I shall call you Amelia. Amelia, Amelia, I love you so. You carry me around. Amelia, Amelia, Riding you is divine. You are the rea ...More
In my game, Zombies roam. In my game, Creepers groan. In my game, skeletons run with arrows & bows. In my game, I am the only good guy. In my game, ...More
Inspired by a brooch made from bullets, Kaiapoi Museum. The bullets are usually found in the sand, often around a day after a battle, make ...More
Yessssss, I thought the first day of Lockdown Breakfast was yum on the first day of Lockdown It was cloudy School was out on the first day of Lockdown We went ...More
Miraculously the Yellow dagger Somehow appeared on the Table next to the Elevating bottle Really, this was all very strange Yet, started making sen ...More
His fur is silky black, blue eyes wild, teeth glistening white – white like the snow that fell last winter, like the oleander that grows by the ravin ...More
The talk and chatter of my family over the hum of the radio, beneath the conversations of the sheep and the rustle of plants, dancing in the wind. Al ...More
Inspiration: “Hide and Seek” by Wongi “Freak” Wilson I walked across the bustling street, a soft breeze in my ...More
When I pick her up she feels warm and frail. She’s like a giraffe sticking her neck high above the canopy searching for a decent snack. When she flies you ca ...More
“Come on, Moon, it’s time to hunt.” Sunrise went first to check if there was any danger. Moon tried to go before Sunrise had said the coast was clea ...More
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? It could be you! A cute, three-roomed pineapple in one of the most in-demand locations in the world! Buy now and yo ...More
knitted scarves wrap around her neck while legs freeze beneath leopard- print leggings canvas ...More
Flowers. There are a lot of flowers. Every day someone crouches by me, one hand on their heart and the other holding a bunch of flowers. Lilies, lilac ...More
Looking for somewhere to bide your time until Ragnarok? Well, look no further! Valhalla provides a number of move-in-ready houses at affordable prices and with ...More
My garden was always my haven. How could it not be, when I spent half my life in a sulphury darkness? I had a villa, marble and gold, fragranced with t ...More
When someone tells you to picture a magician, what do you think of? Daniel Radcliffe, complete with a wand and broomstick? Or perhaps a cheesy performer with ...More
“What else will I need?” “Just that will be enough.” I finish filling my drink bottle and prepare myself for the unknown, not knowing if I will c ...More